Welcome to ECASA

Home of the European CAse Study Alliance

ECASA is an EU-funded Project putting the case study method at the centre of business education by co-creating European-wide, cutting-edge case studies.

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow!
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University Partners

Our Mission

The European CAse study Alliance (ECASA) project is initiated by recognising the challenges of the “innovation gap” identified in the renewed EU Agenda for the Modernisation of Higher Education, ECASA intends to become a strategic alliance between economic faculties, business & management schools as well as research centres of European universities all of which share the philosophy of interactive and problem-oriented teaching in applied management education.

ECASA is strongly committed to develop the case method as a regional-based but international-oriented – integrated approach in research, teaching, and practice and to promote a systematic, professional and guided approach for case lecturers in European HEI. The main target groups are students and staff members of partner universities and other European HEIs, particularly business and management related studies that are interested in the Integrated Case Method.

Our Objectives

Development of authentic teaching cases on European SMEs with their specific challenges and resource configuration and patterns of internationalisation, especially in a European context based on grounded research.

Development of case-based curricula for the renewal of European business education with a systematic approach of using cases in all management disciplines week-by-week and cover all areas in business studies comprehensively.
Co-creation of business cases together with European SMEs for university education and company training in the regional context of the participating HEI. Foster an intense transfer-relationship between companies and universities in regional innovation and business ecosystems.
Provision of case studies as an open (digital) educational resource for European universities in order to enhance problem-centred learning based on real company problems specific to the needs of European SMEs operating in specific European innovation ecosystems.

Contact Us

We want to hear from you if you are interested in the case study method in business education. For further information and to get talking please fill your details in the form provided.

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow!

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