ECASA Case Competition 2022

21st Century Transformation” from 4th to 8th of April 2022 (Online)

Welcome to the first truly European case competition organized and hosted by ECASA. ECASA is an alliance of four universities in Europe funded by Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Program. We believe that case-based education gives a tremendous learning effect for students, to apply their theoretical knowledge, understand challenges in the business community, to work together in multidisciplinary teams and to develop innovative solutions.

ECASA 2022 CC Schedule

The ECASA Case Competition runs from 4th to 8th April 2022. The competition is meant for advanced bachelor students, with 16 university teams taking part. With the theme of 21st century transformation, the competition will foster and reward innovative thinking, clever problem-solving and creative solutions.

For further information please contact the project coordination of ECASA, Ms Anna Weiland by email:

ECASA CC Ranking 2022

Judge the ECASA 2022 CC

An invitation to Academics and Industry Professionals to Judge the Case Competition

We kindly invite you to take a role of judge in the ECASA 2022 CC. We believe that your position and experience give an excellent input to constructive feedback and judgement. Remember that students learn a lot from insights of professionals such as you. We welcome you as a judge in one round of the case competition or more sessions; your preference will be taken into account, of course. Each round will take some 4 hours, with a little preparation time. The training session will be held in March and will take some 2 hours. The complete program will be digitally organised.

Online Application Form

Do you have experience as a judge in a case competition?*

Training of jury members*

ECASA Case Competition*

Are you available as Head of a jury team?* Head must be present at Feedback sessions, head meetings to select the winners (and winner announcements).

Head of jury team*

7 + 1 =